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  Courses and trainings 

Imagine a more compassionate planet

Have you ever wondered how you could cultivate compassion or help others cultivate compassion?

Email to get started. 

Our vision is to connect a Virtual Ecosystem of Engagement with resources and training that allow each sector to inform the others to the benefit of all. The Ecosystem we envision is invitational for what are emerging as Best Practices. In this manner, the evolutionary impulse and inspiration could provide the North Star opportunity for the Whole.  


We have found that Compassionate Integrity Training (CIT) is a great place to start! Below are the current opportunities provided by Compassionate Las Vegas and its affiliates. 


Compassionate Intergrity Training (CIT)

Compassionate Integrity Training (CIT) is a resiliency-informed program that cultivates human values as skills, so we can thrive as individuals, and a society, within a healthy environment.  By learning skills to calm our bodies and mind, becoming more emotionally aware, learning to practice compassion for ourselves and others, as well as engaging with compassion in complex systems, we can build towards compassionate integrity: the ability to live one’s life in accordance with one’s values with a recognition of common humanity, our basic orientation to kindness and reciprocity.


This University Certificate Program is based on cutting-edge developments in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, trauma-informed care, peace and conflict studies, and contemplative science, and builds off of work done by Daniel Goleman (author of the book Emotional Intelligence) and Peter Senge, initiatives in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), and other areas.


Facilitated by representatives of Life University’s Center for Compassion, Integrity, and Secular Ethics, Compassionate Integrity Training is a 3-module, 9-session course which includes large and small group discussions, experiential learning activities, reflective writing activities, mindful dialogues, and contemplative practices.  This is an opportunity to be part of a global community of like-minded individuals who want to learn more about self-cultivation, relating to others, and engaging in systems.


CIT has been used to train self-compassion, compassion for others, and building compassionate systems to community leaders, peacebuilders, individuals who are currently incarcerated, and youth considered at-risk, and in shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness and issues with substance abuse. 


By covering a range of skills from self-regulation, relating to others ethically and with compassion to engaging with complex systems, this training builds towards compassionate integrity: the ability to lead in accordance with one's values with a recognition of our common humanity, fostering trust and social cohesion―the key to resilient workplaces and communities.

Foundations of Mindfulness

for Advocates, Helpers, and Healers 

Research has shown that people who are more mindful are generally happier and report less anxiety, symptoms of depression, anger, and worries. A higher degree of mindfulness is also associated with reduced stress and increased gratitude, hope, and vitality.


So if practicing mindfulness holds such powerful potential for our wellbeing, why aren’t we all doing it every day?


The reason is often that we need more guidance and support than simply downloading an app. We need to better understand the underlying processes and research behind mindfulness.


Mindfulness for Advocates, Helpers, and Healers is designed to walk you through everything you need to fully understand mindfulness and experience the profound effects it can have on your life. 


In this 8-session training, you will benefit from:

  • One deep-dive into a specific element of mindfulness per session

  • Information and practice integrated with research and evidence

  • Small, informal practices that help weave mindfulness into your daily routine

  • An examination of mindfulness in the broader context of life and how we perceive things

  • Understanding the foundation of psychological processes that mindfulness rests upon

  • A detailed handbook with worksheets and homework


Who This Program Is For


This program is perfect for you if:

  • You're curious about mindfulness and want to commit to developing a practice

  • You’ve tried meditation or mindfulness before, and it didn’t work out

  • You want to know the nuts and bolts behind the practice and approach it in a science-based way

  • You experience anxiety, stress, or trouble sleeping

  • You want to live more mindfully and feel more alive and present

  • You are an advocate, helpers, or healer 




Ready to get started? Email for more information.

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Quote of the Day

 If you are moved by our mission to spread compassion in action across Southern Nevada, please consider making a financial contribution via PayPal at the donate button above.

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