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Episode 007: Mind Body Compassion with Anne Weisman


On Episode 7 of the Compassionate Las Vegas Podcast, Will sits down with Dr. Anne Weisman, Director of Wellness and Integrative Medicine at the UNLV School of Medicine.

Will and Dr. Weisman talk about her life as a hospice massage therapist, near death experiences, compassion in the medical field, and much more. If you're wondering if the mind body connection is real or can be proven, you'll want to hear what Dr. Anne Weisman UNLV School of Medicine has to say.

You can watch the episode here:

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Dr. Annie Weisman is the Director of Wellness & Integrative Medicine with the UNLV School of Medicine. She is working to develop wellness and integrative medicine curriculum and workshops for the medical students, faculty and residents. Previously Dr. Weisman worked in the field for thirteen years as a massage therapist in HIV/AIDS clinics and hospices. She was awarded the Jefferson Award for Public Service for this work in 2007 and has presented her research numerous times at the Nevada Public Health Association and American Public Health Association conventions and was chosen to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University in Miami, FL.

Dr. Weisman spent 13 years caring for people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as volunteering and working for hospice patients. During this time, she developed continuing education classes for nurses and other health care providers to help teach some techniques that are soothing for patients and non-pharmacological. Her role now with the medical school will be to introduce these and many other techniques to the medical students, faculty and residents to help them manage their own stress as well as to help provide a broader understanding of integrative treatments for their patients.

Dr. Weisman earned her B.A., M.P.H. and Ph.D. degrees from UNLV (Human Touch: Perceptions of Self-Efficacy From a Non-Pharmacology Treatment for Individuals Living With HIV/AIDS).

Additionally, she studied at the University of Cape Town with New York University in a 4- week immersion course where she worked with the families and patients in a community setting. She specializes in integrating massage therapy and other integrative practices into the care and treatment of patients. Dr. Weisman has taught therapists about her integrative techniques and works to teach patients, care providers and families techniques that they can use at home.

Tune into this episode to learn more about how to be more compassionate toward yourself and learn some new ways to keep your stress tank low.



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