Las Vegas

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what we do
co-creATING circles of change
Circles are the oldest, most revered symbol in the story of the human species. The Circle of Compassion illustrates the Wholeness of the shared human experience, the diverse ways (Sectors) in which we intersect with one another and which sustain us, personally and collectively.
These Sectors have been identified as the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations. They also represent the ways in which we interface with our environment, without which we would not exist.
At the core of the Circle is the word Compassion, with the symbol for Infinity; Infinite Compassion suggests that this value of compassion lies at the heart of the universe itself.
Compassion reveals our ability to see, really see, what is in front of each of us, allied with the intention to transform that reality into a greater wellspring of healing and transformation, Compassion Transformers. What modern neuroscience has revealed is that compassion is baked into our DNA, Planetary DNA. Such compassion is a constant source of growth, resilience, and Innovation within Compassionate Communities, leading to Global Co-Creation as we participate in the invitation to Global Transformation, sector by sector.

Compassionate City Awards
A compassionate city thrives when its people actively care for each other and their community. Through the Compassionate City Awards, we highlight individuals making a lasting impact across seven priority areas.

Congratulations to the 2024 recipients:
Billy Allen - Education
Ashley Nickerson - Environmental Sustainability
Richard Egan - Health & Wellness
Heather Engle - Housing Security
Kimberly Small - Human Trafficking
Mujahid Ramadan - Restorative Justice
Evelyn Valdez - Strengthening the Family
Delivering with Dignity - Organization Recognition
Just Serve - Organization Recognition

CompassionateLV Podcast
CompassionateLV Podcast

Compassion & Climate: Building a Sustainable Future for Kids with Dr. Debra Hendrickson

Climate Crisis Confronted: A Pediatrician's Perspective with Dr. Debra Hendrickson

How to Expand Your Circle - to MILLIONS

Circles of Trust
Circles of Trust and Co-Creative Teams work together in harmony to facilitate the progress of the whole earth system, with all of its sectors, by tapping into the wisdom and compassion of the personal and collective soul. Circles of Trust create a resonance with our capacity for self-transcendence, connecting to our higher self. Co-Creative Teams create a cooperative and collaborative opportunity for addressing systemic issues that affect our community, both local and global. It will be transformed individuals who help evolve a transformed global culture in which the values of wisdom, compassion, and courage lead to greater peace, love, and joy.
A Co-Creator:
Knows and feels that all of life is one interconnected whole
Has inner peace and harmony, and has overcome the ego based need for personal recognition
Can join others in heart resonance, and doesn’t work against anybody
Is dedicated to his/her higher life purpose, serving principles such as love, heartfelt truth, wisdom, peace, unity and beauty.

Compassionate USA represents an immense opportunity to affirm the capacity of Compassion to change the trajectory of culture away from tragedy.
With over 20 Cities in Compassionate California, and numerous cities throughout the USA signing on, we are given the chance to begin to break the cycles of violence, racism, and trauma that we painfully witness too often. Compassion is a verb!
When we open the door of Compassion, we invite the floodwaters of Loving Kindness, which results in the awareness of Hope. Now doesn’t that sound like a great opportunity? Thank you for being such a significant participant in the Compassion Movement!
Gard Jameson